Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Project Update 3

This past week I have been searching through the ArcGIS website in search of appropriate base layer maps to use for the project. I have found several that should work well. My next steps are going to be going through the Siena GIS repository as there are many Clifton Park map layers in there that will serve useful for my work. This past week I have also accomplished creating an outline of the basic design of the map and I have thoroughly gone over a provided map from Clifton Park. This map is a very simple and basic topographic map that tells basic features of the area, however, it gives a great starting point of the overall shape of the land and potential features to look for when the field work portion of the project comes into play.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Devin,

    I have some GIS data you could use for your map. Let's sit down at some point this upcoming week to go over what type of data you'd like to include in the map and I'll show you have I have.

    -Prof. M
